Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI usually results from a blow or jolt to the head or body. A TBI can also be caused by an object that goes through the brain, such as a bullet or a shattered piece of skull. 


TBI’s have wide ranging  physical and psychological effects. I will address the ones that can make daily hygiene a challenge: Dizziness, Confusion, Disorientation, Loss of Coordination, Combativeness.


How can SoSoak help with daily hygiene?


The cornerstone for good daily hygiene for the person suffering from a TBI is having a routine. And the routine must be safe, easy and most of all, pleasurable.


Introduce the person to the chair before they shower and have them sit in it so they can see how sturdy it is. Explain it’s like a bathtub on legs in the shower with no shower stream. 


If possible, have the shower soaking chair hooked up in the shower at all times. Install grab bars and have non-slip mats in and outside the shower. Fill the basin with warm water and a gentle soap and swish around to make bubbles. Have them sit and have a sponge available. Give them their privacy by shutting the door if they don’t require constant observation. 


Have them soak 10-20 minutes multiple times a day so they can enjoy the stress relieving endorphins soaking releases. 


And a 10-20 minute soak at bedtime gives them the mental health benefits of a full soak, resulting in a longer, better quality sleep. 


Happy Soaking!


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