Relax into the world's best soaking chair
Imagine a bathtub on legs for your shower: SoSoak™ is a chair with a soaking basin (sitz bath) molded into the seat that offers a continuous flow of water to cleanse, soak, and relax.
Relax into the world's best soaking chair
Imagine a bathtub on legs for your shower: SoSoak™ is a chair with a soaking basin (sitz bath) molded into the seat that offers a continuous flow of water to cleanse, soak, and relax.
The Cornerstone of Home Care
Assist with daily hygiene safely and comfortably
Stop incontinence associated dermatitis before it starts: The soaking basin removes harmful bacteria from sensitive skin that is prone to breakdown. Use for a full shower and soak, or for a soak in between showers.
Safely and confidently care for yourself
SoSoak™’s sturdy, anti-tip design discourages falls and cradles you for extra support so you can more independently perform your daily routine.
Speed up postpartum recovery time
If you’ve just had a baby, your doctor might recommend postpartum sitz baths, and the SoSoak™ shower soaking chair is the ultimate way to follow doc’s orders. The entire anogenital area, which has been stretched, torn, swollen, and stitched benefits greatly from soaking. Soaking increases blood flow to the area, relaxing muscles, promoting healing, and soothing pain and discomfort.