Pressure Injuries

Pressure Injuries

Pressure injuries also known as pressure sores, bedsores, and/or decubitus ulcers are localized areas of tissue damage caused by excess pressure, shearing, or friction forces, which occur in those who cannot reposition themselves or have limited mobility.

They can also be caused by untreated Incontinence Associated Dermatitis.

Pressure injuries profoundly affect the individual because they are painful, malodorous (due to dead tissue and bacteria in the wound bed) and they exude (weep) profusely which require frequent dressing changes.
Wound cleansing is regarded as an important component of pressure ulcer care. Keeping the wound free from urine and fecal bacteria creates the optimum wound environment for healing.
Follow the treatment plan your health care provider has outlined and continue to keep the wound clean with your Sosoak shower soaking chair.

Happy Soaking!